Great Sons Of a Great Mother
Once, some stone-pelting labourers appeared in the court of Hazrat Syedna Wahab bin Munba, رحمۃ اللہ تعالی علیہ, and said: "Hozor! How many troubles are we facing? Did the people before us ever face such troubles?" Upon hearing this,...
30 Good Morning Islamic Quotes
Starting every day in Islam with the remembrance of Allah is a great blessing, and beautiful words said in the morning bring peace to the heart and mind throughout the day.
We hope these beautiful quotes will bring you closer to...
Death Quotes In English
Death is an inescapable fact of life that every human being has to face. It is a subject that has always made hearts and minds think. That is why we have compiled a unique collection of Death Quotes in English for...
Mother Quotes In English
Mother is such a precious relationship that is more than any love in the world. Mother sacrifice, love, and prayers are the real capital of our life. If you want to express the greatness of a mother in words, then our...